Health Horoscope for Week Commencing: Monday 17 February 2025

   Aries Monday 17 February 2025  Mar 21 - Apr 19
Because the Moon only left your health sector over the weekend, you are not only moving into the new week aware of what your body is telling you, but you will be starting to process the information and insight this has left you with. This was the Moon’s second visit since the South Node returned to your health sector last month and the lunar nodes began policing a need for balance, both when it comes to knowing when to keep your work hat on and when to take it off and in giving your body what it needs and getting what you need from it.
   Taurus Monday 17 February 2025  Apr 20 - May 20
Starting the week with the Moon in your health sector has in the past been a mixed blessing, with a noticeable difference starting to appear. This is the Moon's second visit since the South Node left last month, ending the lunar nodes’ 18 month policing of a need for balance. Just by moving into the new week more aware of what your body is telling you and more in tune with the impact of the physical demands you are under is going to make anything out of balance more obvious. However, in a way that is more about observing and taking note rather than turning it into a challenge.
   Gemini Monday 17 February 2025  May 21 - Jun 21
Having the Moon move through your health sector from Tuesday to Thursday and right in the heart of the working week is going to give you a read on what your body is telling you and the impact that the busiest point in any week is putting on your physical resources in real time and the timing couldn’t be better. With the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment leaving your health sector on Thursday, having the Moon here during her final days will make it easier to fine tune your resolutions moving forward while making sure they are realistically aligned with your real needs and priorities.
   Cancer Monday 17 February 2025  Jun 22 - Jul 22
The Moon will return to your health sector from Friday to Sunday and while this will be an ordinary monthly visit, it is the timing that could make this a game changer. This is something that every four weeks brings a chance to check in and get a better read on what your body is telling you. Returning at the end of the working week but then staying on until the early part of the weekend, is going to give you a read on the impact of the differing demands on your physical resources. This will also give you an early read on the impact of the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment’s return on Thursday, with a chance to update your resolutions.
   Leo Monday 17 February 2025  Jul 23 - Aug 22
While the Moon won’t return to your health sector until the weekend, away from the noise of the working week this can make it easier to not only pay attention to what your body is telling you but answer its needs. As it will still be there when you move into the new working week, this will also ensure you are emotionally engaged and aware from the start. While this is an ordinary monthly visit, as the Moon’s first visit since Mercury not only left at the end of last month but ended all planetary activity here until later in the year, this is a valuable chance to check in.
   Virgo Monday 17 February 2025  Aug 23 - Sep 22
Where last week may have put additional demands on your physical resources, to a point where especially in the heart of the working week this may have taken you to your limits, this week starts with a sense of confidence and empowerment. Mercury left your health sector over the weekend, leaving you with everything needed to continue to make smart choices and decisions. The confidence and optimism is coming from the fact that the Sun, who will leave your health sector on Tuesday starts the week back in harmony with the Moon.
   Libra Monday 17 February 2025  Sep 23 - Oct 23
Ahead of the Sun’s return to your health sector on Tuesday, the point in each year when the solar spotlight will always shift onto your health needs, situation and matters, Mercury’s return over the weekend has given you a head start. Mercury is not the first planet to return this year and when she moved through Venus fuelled a desire to look and feel good that can continue to be used as motivation. However, Mercury’s return ahead of the Sun means that you begin this important month long review with everything needed to make smart choices and decisions.
   Scorpio Monday 17 February 2025  Oct 24 - Nov 21
By the time you move into the new week Venus, the planet of beauty has been in your health sector for two weeks and as she normally moves through in 24 days, she should be over the halfway mark and preparing to leave next week. With the Sun still a month away, this would not only leave a gap but as Venus works to fuel a desire to look and feel good that can be used as motivation, but before you have the resources to focus on the when, where and how. Fortunately, that won’t happen, with Venus slowing ahead of a retrograde turn next week that will keep her here until the end of next month.
   Sagittarius Monday 17 February 2025  Nov 22 - Dec 21
It was over the weekend that the Moon, moving through a competitively charged part of your chart formed a friendly aspect to Uranus, for the first time since he turned direct in your health sector. Uranus is the planet that rules the way we look at or perceive things and this first visit since turning direct revealed a shift in focus away from the past and onto the future. The Moon’s competitive influence is likely to have inspired you or at least planted the seeds to start looking at new goals. Uranus is still barely moving, so you have plenty of time.
   Capricorn Monday 17 February 2025  Dec 22 - Jan 19
There is likely to be a new sense of confidence on the health front that might have you looking at new goals or that you are inspired to make a fresh start. By the time you move into the new week Jupiter has been in direct motion in your health sector for 13 days and while still barely moving, he begins the week in harmony with both the Sun and Moon. With the Sun already working to boost your confidence, competitively charged lunar vibes combined with the fact that the focus has just shifted off the past is going to give you the confidence to start looking at new goals.
   Aquarius Monday 17 February 2025  Jan 20 - Feb 18
Even though Mars won’t turn direct in your health sector until next Monday, by the time you move into the new week he will be barely moving and to a point where he is technically at a standstill and definitely by the end of the week. Mars is the planet that gives us our drive, energy and our get up and go and not only in retrograde motion but at a standstill, this has been put on hold. This makes it important not to push yourself. If that voice in your head tells you that you should be doing more and that you are procrastinating, put it straight. This week Mars is giving you a hall pass.
   Pisces Monday 17 February 2025  Feb 19 - Mar 20
Last week the Moon not only moved through your health sector but as a Full Moon, something that packed a lot into in a short period of time. This is a Full Moon that will always fall six months after the Sun’s last visit and six months before he is due to return again. At what can be the least active point of any year on the health front, this is a Full Moon that comes in hard and heavy, with the gloves off as it delivers the wakeup calls you need. This is something you are still processing but without the emotional fog of war or baggage at the time.