Chinese Horoscopes for Week Commencing: Monday 13 January 2025

   Rat Monday 13 January 2025  1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020
Tuesday’s Full Moon is always the halfway point in any lunar month, as well as the point when the Moon’s influence is at its peak. While this will bring you to the peak and halfway point in the lucrative month of the Ox, this time this has also brought you to the start of the final two weeks of the playful and creative Year of the Dragon. Knowing that in just 14 day the busy, industrious and work focused Year of the Snake will be here and that it will run through the rest of 2025 and right through to February 2026, makes it time to put some guardrails in place when it comes to a balance between work and play.
   Ox Monday 13 January 2025  1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021
Tuesday’s Full Moon will bring you to the halfway point of the month of the Ox and of the four week launch of this current personal 12 month lunar cycle. The month of the Ox began on New Year’s Eve, giving you an additional reason to make New Year’s Day a chance to do more than just draw a symbolic line in the sand. These final two weeks are a chance to start defining your intentions and resolutions for the coming year while embracing your personal truth. Meanwhile, Tuesday’s Full Moon also brings you to the start of the final two weeks of the Year of the Dragon and its focus on home and family, with the playful and creative Year of the Snake drawing closer by the day.
   Tiger Monday 13 January 2025  1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022
As the week progresses, there is likely to be a growing mix of both nostalgia and anticipation, as you start looking to the future while still wanting to hold onto the past. It is Tuesday’s Full Moon that will bring you to the halfway point in the nostalgic and reflective month of the Ox as well as bringing you to the start of the final two weeks of your current personal 12 month lunar cycle. As the Ox’s influence reaches peak potency, so too will a sense of nostalgia. Yet with the month of the Tiger and the start of a new 12 month cycle drawing closer by the day, so too will a sense of anticipation. Forget New Year’s Day, the New Moon in two weeks will be the point when you’re ready to draw a new line in the sand.
   Rabbit Monday 13 January 2025  1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023
Tuesday’s Full Moon not only brings you to the halfway point in the social and serendipitous month of the Ox but the point where its influence is at its peak. This is a month where there is a lot of focus on your social life, friendships, teamwork and networking, as well as on connecting in general. At its peak, this might be putting extra demands on your time, with people to see and places to go reaching its peak on Tuesday. It is after that, with the Moon in its waning phase that you will find that you will have more breathing space or that constant need to be plugged into what is happening or to always be in the centre of things in waning.
   Dragon Monday 13 January 2025  1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024
At the same time that Tuesday’s Full Moon brings you to the halfway point in the four week competitive and professionally charged month of the Ox, this also brings you to the start of the final two weeks of the Year of the Dragon. A combination of the Ox’s goal focused but also disciplined determination to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes and the Dragon’s sense of daring makes this a week for setting your goals and ambitions for the coming year. With the week itself but the month in general set to get even busier, a playful and creative Rooster Moon from Tuesday to Wednesday will test how well you know when to keep your work hat on and when to take it off.
   Snake Monday 13 January 2025  1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025
At the same time that Tuesday’s Full Moon brings you to the halfway point of the adventurous and spontaneous month of the Ox, this also brings you to the start of the final two weeks of the nostalgic and reflective month of the Dragon, with some major shifts ahead. At the same time that there is a call to hold onto and embrace the Ox’s adventurous influence before the competitive and professionally charged month of the Tiger begins, you are also moving into the final two weeks of a personal 12 year lunar cycle. The same New Moon that will usher in the month of the Tiger will also usher in the Year of the Snake and with it the start of a major new 12 year chapter.
   Horse Monday 13 January 2025  1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014
On New Year’s Eve the month of the Rat ended and with it, what for the Horse can be the toughest month of any lunar year. The Rat and Horse are opposing signs and as well as putting more pressure on you, at the halfway point in your current personal 12 month lunar cycle its job was to alert you to where anything was out of balance. This allowed you to move into 2025 without the Rat’s pressure, but as New Year’s Day was the first full day of the month of the Ox and its focus on change and transformation, this brought a chance for a reset. Two weeks on, Tuesday’s Full Moon brings you to the halfway point of the month of the Ox and with just two more weeks to run, it is time to start turning a call for change and transformation into practical choices or resolutions for the coming year.
   Goat Monday 13 January 2025  1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
Tuesday’s Full Moon brings you to what is always the halfway point in any lunar month, but also the point of peak influence. On Monday the Moon is still in its waxing or growth phase, with everything still coming to a head. At the halfway point of the month of the Ox, your opposing sign and at the halfway point in this current personal 12 month lunar cycle, it might feel like life’s demands are staking up, but with this starting to wane by Tuesday. Meanwhile, Tuesday’s Full Moon also brings you to the start of the final two weeks of the competitive and professionally charged Year of the Ox, with a call to start refining your personal and professional goals and ambitions for the coming year.
   Monkey Monday 13 January 2025  1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016
As this current lunar month reaches both its peak and its halfway point on Tuesday’s Full Moon, you might be getting some mixed messages. On the one hand, this is likely to be the busiest point in the already busy, industrious and work focused month of the Ox. Monday and Tuesday could be the busiest days, but once the Full Moon brings things to a peak and on the other side the Moon begins to wane, this should start to ease but with a busy two weeks still in front of you. On the other hand, Tuesday’s Full Moon brings you to the start of the final two weeks of the adventurous and spontaneous Year of the Dragon. Your challenge will be in balancing the two.
   Rooster Monday 13 January 2025  1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017
Tuesday’s Full Moon marks the halfway point in the playful and creative month of the Ox and knowing that when it ends later in the month this will usher in the busy, industrious and work focused month of the Tiger, your subconscious will be hardwired to take note. Because the month of the Tiger will always follow on from the month of the Ox and always at around this time each year, you instinctively know that there are busier times ahead and that when it comes to a balance between work and play, it is time to put some guardrails in place. Fortunately, this year help will be at hand, for when the busy, industrious and work focused month of the Tiger begins, so too will the adventurous and spontaneous Year of the Snake.
   Dog Monday 13 January 2025  1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018
For the Dog, the month of the Ox brings you to a point in the year when there is a lot of focus on home, family and often on a sense of duty or a sticking to the basics that comes with that. While after a hectic and busy end to the year, the holiday period was a chance to get back to basics and to the things, people and rituals that can help you feel grounded, by the time you reach Tuesday’s Full Moon you will be starting to crave a bit more adventure. This was partly inspired by the weekend’s adventurous and spontaneous Horse Moon, but also because by Tuesday the playful and creative month of the Tiger is just two weeks away and drawing closer by the day.
   Pig Monday 13 January 2025  1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019
With Tuesday’s Full Moon bringing you to both the halfway point in the month of the Ox and the final two weeks of the busy, industrious and work focused Year of the Dragon, the pace of the year is picking up. At work, on the job front or with whatever it is that keeps you busy and occupies your time, there will be a hurry up to get us as much out of the Year of the Dragon as possible and especially when it comes to any long term projects you might be working on or towards. Meanwhile, as the Ox is the Swizz army knife of any lunar cycle, with a tool for every occasion, you will be looking to make the most of its ability to keep you mentally sharper, better able to think on your feet and enhance all aspects of communication.