Love Yearly for Monday 01 January 2024

   Aries   Mar 21 - Apr 19
While there is no planetary activity on the romantic or relationship fronts as you move into the New Year, so much was packed into the second half of 2023 that you are likely to start the year with a clear sense of what you want from love and your relationships. It was a retrograde turn that saw Venus spend four months in your romantic sector rather than the normal 24 days. This also delayed the planet of love’s return to your relationship sector and as she didn’t leave until early December, your relationship expectations are still fresh. This and the Moon’s monthly visits will keep you going until Venus returns to Aries, when from 5th April to 8th April she will help you set your romantic and relationship desires and expectations for your new solar year.

The most romantically charged months of the year will be spread out over two chapters. The first chapter will run from 3rd July to 9th September and in that time the Sun, Mercury and Venus will all move through your romantic sector. Unlike the four months that Venus, the planet of love spent here last year, her short visit from 12th July to 5th August will be the most romantically charged weeks within that chapter. It is during Venus’ last full day here that a New Moon on 4th August will act as a unifying force. It is nearly two months after the last planet leaves that a second chapter will begin, this time with Mars moving through from 4th November 2024 to 6th January 2025.

However, just as Venus did in 2023, Mars’ retrograde turn on 7th December will not only see him stay longer than the normal six weeks, but it means that while he will retrograde back out, he will return again for a second visit in early 2025. Meanwhile, apart from a Full Moon in your relationship sector on 25th March, which as a Full Moon could be a significant time for your relationships, the first planetary activity doesn’t begin until 10th August, this time running until 3rd November. This will see all planetary activity on the relationship front for the year end just a day before Mars is due to return for his epic visit to your romantic sector. Both the Full Moon in your relationship sector on 25th March and a New Moon on 3rd October will be eclipses, making these pivotal waypoints for your relationships.
   Taurus   Apr 20 - May 20
While it is not usually until the second half of the year that you will see any planetary activity on the romantic or relationship fronts, on both fronts there is more than enough to keep the love and relationship gods busy in the first half of the year. There is no planetary activity in your relationship sector until Venus returns on 23rd September, but as last year’s visit only ended on 30th December 2023 and with a Full Moon here on 24th April, this and the Moon’s monthly visits will be enough to keep you on track and connected. It is on the romantic front that you have an unexpected secret weapon and something that will maintain an unbroken thread between the planetary here last year and again this year.

That secret weapon is the asteroid Juno, who in October 2023 returned to your romantic sector just a week after that after being held back by a retrograde phase Venus made a belated return. As Venus is the planet of love and Juno is the queen of commitment, this brought the resolve to make up for lost time. However, while Venus left a month later Juno didn’t and as you move into 2024, she is not only still here but a retrograde turn on 13th January will not only keep her here until 10th August, but she will still be here when Venus and the rest of the annual planets return. With Mercury turning on 26th July and Venus on 5th August, they will take over from Juno’s long watch over romantic matters.

Mercury will normally spend 14 to 15 days here giving your heart a voice and putting heart and mind on the same page, but his own retrograde turn means that while he will return to your romantic sector on 26th July he won’t leave until 26th September, when continuous planetary activity on the romantic front since the middle of 2023 finally runs its course. By then things will be moving on the relationship front, with Venus kicking off all planetary activity in your relationship sector for the year on 23rd September. Once again Juno will prove to be a stayer, for while the Sun’s departure on 22nd November should end all planetary activity on the relationship front, with Juno here from 3rd November 2024 to 20th February 2025, she will keep the momentum and a sense of commitment going.
   Gemini   May 21 - Jun 21
While the Sun will always leave your relationship sector just before Christmas each year, sometimes Venus and Mercury’s annual visits can spill into the early days or weeks of January, but not to the degree that they are this time. A combination of Mars making his first visit in two years, the dwarf planet Ceres her first visit in four years, Venus late to return because of a retrograde turn and Mercury having retrograded back in after leaving in December, means that you begin the year with the planets of love, communication, nurturing and passion all in your relationship sector. Mars will leave on 5th January, but as Venus only returned on 30th December, she will continue to work her magic until leaving on 23rd January.

Until he leaves on 14th January, Mercury will be working to get the communication lines open while it is not until 8th February that Ceres will end her first deep dive into your relationship needs and priorities in four years. It is rare to have so much planetary activity on the relationship front in the early part of the year, but this not only gets the year off to a good start, but Venus will return on 18th October to do it all over again. Mercury, who will return on 3rd November will once again turn retrograde but this time, instead of retrograding back out the planet of communication will spend his whole time here until leaving on 8th January 2025. Mars and Ceres won’t be back this year but along with the Sun, who will return as usual from 22nd November to 21st December, the early and latter months of the year will be the best on the relationship front.

Meanwhile, apart from a Full Moon in your romantic sector on 25th May, matters of the heart will get their turn when the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment returns to her first visit in your romantic sector in four years. this is a visit that will run from 10th August to 3rd November and it is during that time that the Sun, Mercury and Venus will all move through. The most romantically charged weeks of the year will be when Venus moves through your romantic sector from 30th August to 23rd September. Meanwhile, with both the Full Moon in your romantic sector on 25th May and the New Moon on 3rd October eclipses, there is an element of fate in play.
   Cancer   Jun 22 - Jul 22
With the Sun always spending the first three weeks of January in your relationship sector, the focus will always be on your relationships from the start. With two New and two Full Moons here this year and with Pluto finally ending a journey that began in 2008, this suggests that this whole year will be a defining one on the relationship front and the closing of a chapter. After 15 years Pluto, the planet of change and transformation did leave your relationship sector last March, only to retrograde back in again less than three months later. Pluto is still here as you move into the New Year but will leave with the Sun on 21st January. With Mars in your relationship sector from 5th January to 13th February, Mercury from 14th January to 5th February and Venus from 23rd January to 17th February, this is when the planets of passion, communication and love will come together to create the real magic.

This will also leave your relationship sector empty, until a pair of Full Moons, the first on 22nd June and the second a month later on 21st July will bring some important wakeup calls after what will have been your longest stretch with no planetary activity in your relationship sector in 16 years. However, this is not the last you have seen of Pluto, for he will retrograde back in for one last chance to regroup from 2nd September to 20th November, this time for the last time in our lifetime. With Venus coming full circle for her second visit of the year from 12th November to 7th December, she will return in time to become the last planet to make contact with Pluto here in our lifetime.

Venus will still be here when the Sun returns from 21 December 2023 to 20th January 2025, by which point with Pluto gone a nearly 17 year chapter will have come to an end. Meanwhile, it is just as Pluto is dipping back into your relationship sector for one last time that things will start brewing on the romantic front. Venus, who was the last planet to leave your romantic sector in 2023 when she left on 30th December, will be the first to return on 23rd September, less than nine months later. Venus is only here until 18th October and while these will be the most romantically charged weeks of the year, the Sun will keep the solar spotlight on matters of the heart until 22nd November.
   Leo   Jul 23 - Aug 22
The year gets off to an exciting start on both the romantic and relationship fronts and while the early and the latter months of the year will be the most exciting on the romantic front, there is something much bigger pending on the relationship front. The year begins with no planetary activity in your relationship sector, but that is about to change, though with the year getting off to a romantically charged start. While the Sun will always leave your romantic sector just before Christmas, the year begins with Mars, Mercury, Venus and even the dwarf planet Ceres all in your romantic sector, with the planets of love, passion, communication and the queen of nurturing all here through a set of coincidences.

Venus, who should have been and gone by now was late to return because of a retrograde phase. Mercury did leave in December, but a retrograde phase brought him back, while Mars is making his first visit in two years and Ceres her first deep dive into your heart’s needs and priorities in four years. While Mars will leave on 5th January, Mercury on 14th January, Venus on 23rd January and Ceres on 8th February, this will get the year off to a romantically charged start. While Mars and Ceres won’t be back, Venus will return to do it again from 18th October to 12th November, Mercury from 3rd November 2024 to 8th January 2025 and the Sun from 22nd November to 21st December, making the early and the latter months of the year the most romantically charged.

Meanwhile, it is on 21st January that the Sun will return to your relationship sector, something that will always put the solar spotlight on your relationships at this time of year. However, the Sun will bring Pluto with him and while the planet of change and transformation will retrograde back out for 11 weeks from 2nd September to 20th November, once he is back, he will be here now until 2044. Helping in the early months of a major two decade long journey will be Mercury, who will return to your relationship sector from 5th February to 23rd February, Mars from 13th February to 23rd March and Venus from 17th March to 12th March. Venus will come full circle, with the planet of love joining up with Pluto again from 7th December 2024 to 3rd January 2025.
   Virgo   Aug 23 - Sep 22
The most romantically charged weeks of any year will always be the first and the latter weeks, with the Sun always spending the last 10 days and the first three weeks of every year in your romantic sector. Since Pluto, the planet of change and transformation returned in 2008 he has not only always been there at the time, but throughout the years he has stayed on to keep the momentum going, even if just on a slow boil. That began to change when Pluto left last year, but as he retrograded back in less than three months later, this was more to warn you that he was getting ready to leave and that he won’t always be here. Pluto will leave again, this time with the Sun on 21st January and when the Sun comes full circle on 22nd December, as he does each year he will be gone and he won’t be back again in our lifetime.

However, this won’t be the last we will see of Pluto, for he will retrograde back in for 11 weeks from 2nd September to 20th November, for one last check. This time, with Venus making an early return from 12th November to 7th December, this will give the planet of love the honour of being the last planet to have contact with the planet of change and transformation here in our lifetime. This isn’t the only visit Venus will make to your romantic sector this year, with her visit from 23rd January to 17th January also some of the most romantically charged weeks of the year. This time, with Mars in your romantic sector from 5th January to 13th February, this will bring the planets of love and passion together.

Meanwhile, on the relationship front things have become a lot more stable. Saturn, who returned last March and is here now until he and Neptune both leave in early 2026, is settled in and while he is demanding more from you and there might be some relationship challenges, he is helping to strengthen the bonds while working with dreamy Neptune to give you the resolve to turn dreams into reality. The most active months of the year on the relationship front will come when the Sun, Venus, Mars and Mercury move through, which they will do starting with the Sun’s return on 19th February and ending when Mars leaves on 1st May. With Venus here from 12th March to 5th April and Mars from 23rd March to 1st May, this is when the planets of love and passion will come together to work their magic.
   Libra   Sep 23 - Oct 23
Because the Sun will always return to your romantic sector in January and Venus and Mercury will always move through at around the same time, it is the early months of any year that are always going to be the most romantically charged. However, you are getting ready to enter a whole new realm, when instead of planetary activity for just a few months all year, there is about to be year round, wall to wall coverage. What I am talking about is Pluto, with the planet of change and transformation having briefly dipped into your romantic sector for the first time in 225 years last year. Pluto was here for less than three months, but this left a message that he is on his way for a much longer visit. Pluto will return with the Sun on 21st January and while he will once again retrograde back out, not until 2nd September.

This time, instead of waiting seven months to return, Pluto will be gone for just 11 weeks. Returning on 20th November and then not leaving until 2044, Pluto will be here, working to change things up for the next 20 years. Helping with the transition into this major new chapter will be Venus, with the planet of love making two visits to your relationship sector this year and both with perfect timing. Venus will move through from 17th February to 12th March, while Pluto is still in his early weeks and with Mars here from 13th February to 23rd March, she will be part of a pack of planets working to get the year and the planet of change and transformation’s new reign off to a romantically charged start.

Things will be a lot quieter when Venus returns from 7th December 2024 to 3rd January 2025. Pluto will have been back for just 17 days when Venus returns, bringing the planets of love and change together just as he settles in for the next 20 years. Meanwhile, Venus will also be a pivotal player in the most active months of the year on the relationship front, which will run from Mercury’s return on 10th March to Mars’ departure just over three months later on 9th June. Venus’ visit from 5th April to 28th April will not only put the planet of love here in the heart of things, but she will be here when a total solar eclipse on 9th February will bring the promise of major new beginnings.
   Scorpio   Oct 24 - Nov 21
On both the romantic and relationship fronts you have planets that have been here for years, which means that things will never go completely off the boil. However, on both fronts, there are three levels of layers of planetary activity. The first is the planetary activity that has been here for years, which is Neptune, the planet of dreams in your romantic sector since 2012 and Uranus, the planet of surprise, synchronicity and the unexpected in your relationship sector since 2019. This is the unchanging backdrop, with Neptune working to keep the romantic dream alive and Uranus working to keep your relationships real and authentic. The second level is major planetary activity, but that isn’t here for as long.

On the romantic front this is Saturn, who returned to your romantic sector for the first time in three decades in March 2023 and will continue to give you the resolve to turn Neptune’s dreams into reality until they both leave in early 2026. On the relationship front this is coming from Jupiter, who returned to your relationship sector last May to support relationship growth for the first time in 12 years, while working with Uranus until he leaves on 26th May. The third layer is the faster planets that move quickly through your romantic and relationship sectors to make these the most active months of any year. It is when all three come together and you have some powerful and potentially game changing months.

On the romantic front, this begins with the Sun’s return on 19th February and will end when Mars leaves on 1st May. With Venus here from 12th March to 5th April and Mars from 23rd March to 1st May, this is when the planets of love and passion will be working to make these some of the most romantically charged weeks of 2024. By the time Mars leaves the Sun will already be in your relationship sector, with his return on 20th April beginning the most active months of the year on the relationship front, which Mars will bring to a close when he leaves on 21st July. Venus will move through from 28th April to 24th May and with Jupiter leaving on 26th May, this will bring the planets of love and luck together here for the last time for another 12 years.
   Sagittarius   Nov 22 - Dec 21
While with the dwarf planet Eris, the warrior princess of the cosmos in your romantic sector for nine decades and not due to leave for another three and planetary activity in your relationship sector, this does not fully reveal what this year has to offer and especially on the relationship front. The North Node has been in your romantic sector since July 2023 and until it leaves in January 2025 it will not only give matters of the heart a sense of direction but will turn the New Moon in your romantic sector on 9th April into a total solar eclipse. However, that won’t happen until after the Sun returns on 20th March, with things becoming more active on the romantic front when Mercury returns 10 days earlier, on 10th March.

This should be the start of a 14 to 15 day chance to give your heart a voice and to put heart and mind on the same page but instead, a retrograde turn on 2nd April will keep the planet of communication here until 16th May. It is during that time that as well as the Sun moving through Venus, the planet of love will move through from 5th April to 28th April, while Mars will return for his first visit in two years from 1st May to 9th June. It is while the planets of love and passion are here that you will have some of the most romantically charged weeks of the year. Once Mars leaves things will quieten down on the romantic front, but by then something special will be developing on the relationship front.

It begins with the Sun’s return to your relationship sector on 21st May, something that will always turn the solar spotlight onto your relationships at this time each year. However, it is less than a week later that everything will change, with Jupiter returning for his first visit to your relationship sector in 12 years on 26th May. This begins your biggest and most expansive year for all your relationships in over a decade and until leaving on 10th June 2025, you will have the largest and most powerful planet in the solar system here. Helping to get this important journey off to the right start will not only be the Sun but with Venus, moving through from 24th May to 17th June and Mercury from 3rd June to 17th June, with the planets of love and communication leaving on the same day. It is over a month later that Mars will move through from 21st July to 5th September, with the planets of passion and luck on their own for over six weeks.
   Capricorn   Dec 22 - Jan 19
What makes this year special, apart from having Jupiter in your romantic sector until 26th May, is that Venus will make two visits to Capricorn in 2024. Last year Venus began the year in Capricorn but having left on 3rd January she spent less than 72 hours here and held back by a retrograde phase, as you move into the New Year she is yet to return. This means that when Venus does eventfully return on 23rd January, it will be her first visit to Capricorn while Jupiter is in your romantic sector in over a decade. However, Venus is once more back up to speed and with Jupiter not leaving until 26th May and Venus moving through from 28th April to 24th May, the planets of love and luck will team up to create some of the most romantically charged weeks of 2024.

Venus won’t be on her own, with the Sun moving through your romantic sector from 20th April to 21st May and Mercury from 16th May to 3rd June. These are visits that will overlap and between them, will help to make the final weeks of Jupiter’s most expansive year for matters of the heart and all things romantic some of the best. However, this won’t leave your romantic sector empty, for while Uranus is here until 2026 it is just six days after Mercury leaves that Mars will return for his first visit in two years, with the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos able to fire things up in a way that will ensure nothing will go off the boil as he moves through from 9th June to 21st July.

It is just a few days after Mars’ return that the first planetary activity on the relationship front for the year will begin, with Venus’ visit to your relationship sector from 17th June to 12th July benefiting from having Mars in your romantic sector throughout that time. With Mercury, the planet of communication here from 17th June to 3rd July and the Sun from 21st June to 22nd July, these should be the most important weeks of the year on the relationship front. Instead, Mars will return from 5th September to 4th November to begin his own mission to fire things up on the job front. It is just eight days after Mars leaves that Venus will return for her second visit to Capricorn for the year, with a lot of water having passed under the bridge by the time the planet of love returns from 12th November to 7th December.
   Aquarius   Jan 20 - Feb 18
Because of a retrograde turn last year Venus, the planet of love is still running behind schedule and it is not until the final days of your birthday month that she will finally return on 17th February. This is when your heart gets to have its voice and a say in what you want from the coming year, but with no planetary activity on the romantic or relationship fronts, this might feel more like wishful thinking. However, as Venus’ retrograde turn last year was in your relationship sector, where she spent four months rather than the usual 24 days, you have a much better sense of what you want from your relationships. At the same time, while you can’t see what lies ahead as the planet of love, Venus knows that 2024 is set to be a big year for matters of the heart and all things romantic.

This means that while as Venus moves through Aquarius from 17th February to 12th March, she might be fuelling desires and expectations that feel more like wishful thinking, they are anything but. There will be no planetary activity in your romantic sector until the Sun returns on 21st May, the point in each year when the solar spotlight will always shift onto matters of the heart. However, from then things are set to accelerate rapidly with Venus, the planet of love returning on 24th May and just two days later, Jupiter returning to begin your luckiest year for matters of the heart and all things romantic in over a decade. Venus is here until 17th June, with the planets of love and luck coming together for the first time here in 12 years.

With Mercury here from 3rd June to 17th June and the Sun until 21st June, there will be support for Jupiter in the early weeks of a journey that won’t end until he leaves in June 2025. However, Jupiter won’t be on his own for long, with Mars moving through your romantic sector from 21st July to 21st September, bringing the planets of luck and passion together here for the first time since 2013. This will overlap the start of the first planetary activity on the relationship front for the year, which will begin with Mercury’s return on 3rd July and continue through to his departure on 9th September. In that time the Sun and Venus, the planet of love will also move through. However, just as on the romantic front, Mars will make a standalone visit to your relationship sector from 4th November 2024 to 6th January 2025.
   Pisces   Feb 19 - Mar 20
While there is no planetary activity on the romantic front as you move into the New Year and there is no major planetary activity on the relationship front, what you have there is a thread that is having a subtle but important impact. Late to return to your relationship sector last year because of a retrograde turn and therefore late to leave, when Venus left your relationship sector in October 2023 this should have left your relationship sector empty. Instead, it was while Venus was here that the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment and especially commitment to your relationships returned for her first visit in four years. Usually here for two months, Juno should have left by now but instead, a retrograde turn on 13th January will keep her here until 10th August.

Juno’s influence won’t be overt, but her sense of commitment is there to draw on until Mercury, the planet of communication returns on 26th July and Venus on 5th August. Before then, matters of the heart will get some much needed attention as the first of two romantically charged periods kicks off when Venus, the planet of love returns to your romantic sector from 17th June to 12th July. Mercury, the planet of communication will return on the same day and the Sun four days later on 21st June. This is the point in each year when the solar spotlight will always fall onto matters of the heart and all things romantic. However, by the time the Sun leaves on 22nd July Venus and Mercury will both be gone and your romantic sector will once again be empty.

However, a second chapter will run from 5th September to 4th November when Mars, the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos makes his first visit to your romantic sector in two years. Mars will return right in the heart of the most active months of the year on the relationship front, which will run from Mercury’s return to your relationship sector on 26th July and his departure on 26th September. In that time Mercury, the planet of communication will dip in and out while Venus, the planet of love will return from 5th August to 30th August and the Sun, as he does each year will have the solar spotlight on your relationships from 23rd August to 22nd September.