Love Monthly for Month Commencing: Wednesday 01 May 2024

   Aries Wednesday 01 May 2024  Mar 21 - Apr 19
Venus, the planet of love’s departure from Aries at the end of April allows you to move into the new month with a confident sense of what you want from matters of the heart and your relationships moving forward. This was the first time in 18 years that Venus has moved through Aries while the North Node is in Aries and the South Node is in your relationship sector, something that for the rest of the year will continue to police a balance between your personal and relationship needs. While the eclipses this spawned are behind you, there will be another set in five months and the lunar nodes will continue to watch over things.

As she passed over the lunar nodes Venus gave you a bird’s eye view of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you, something that in just the last 48 hours of April she left you with. At the same time, while the Moon’s passage through your romantic sector was brief, this left you with a sense of what you want from love and matters of the heart as well. This month the focus is on the Moon but also on the first signs of planetary activity on the communication front. The Moon will make its monthly visit to your romantic sector from 13th May to 16th May, making these some of the most romantically charged days of the month.

It is the timing of the Moon’s return to your relationship sector from 18th May to 21st May that is significant. As always, as well as a chance to ensure you are emotionally engaged, this will see the Moon cross the lunar nodes, putting the spotlight on a balance between your personal and relationship needs. What makes the timing significant is that it is on 21st May, just as the Moon leaves that the Sun will return to your communication sector, followed by Venus on 24th May and Jupiter on 26th May. This is when the communication gods will be sending in the cavalry and for the rest of the year, they will actively support the South Node in order to keep the communication lines open.
   Taurus Wednesday 01 May 2024  Apr 20 - May 20
By the time you move into the new month Venus, the planet of love has been in Taurus for less than 48 hours and is still settling in. Yet from the start her mission to not only update your romantic and relationship desires and expectations for this new solar year but to turn those desires and expectations into reality is getting off to a dream start. There is rarely any planetary activity in your romantic sector at this time of year, but Venus returned a week after the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment’s direct turn there. Venus will spend the early days of the month at a friendly aspect to Juno, with a chance to renew a special bond forged seven months ago.

It was in October 2023 that Venus and Juno returned to your romantic sector within days of each other, Venus to begin a month long visit and Juno to begin what should have been a three month visit. While Venus moved on, a retrograde turn has kept Juno here and now that they are back in harmony, Juno is there to give Venus everything she needs in order to set your romantic intentions for the coming year. At the same time, Venus returned a few days after last month’s Full Moon in your relationship sector, allowing her to miss any personal and/or relationship tension this might have created while benefiting from a better sense of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you.

Venus is in Taurus until 24th May and in that time the Moon will make its monthly visits to your romantic and relationship sectors, something that will help to cement those desires and expectations on both fronts. The Moon will move through your romantic sector from 16th May to 18th May. As well as making these the most romantically charged days of the month, a friendly aspect to Venus will give you confidence in what your heart is telling you. It will be a different story when the Moon moves through your relationship sector from 21st May to 23rd May. This time the Moon and Venus will clash and ahead of her departure on 24th May, this will be a chance to flush out what you want from your relationships and what they need from you.
   Gemini Wednesday 01 May 2024  May 21 - Jun 21
While the last few months haven’t been easy for matters of the heart, with a parade of planets across the other side of the sky all putting pressure on the South Node in your romantic sector, things take a turn for the better this month and especially in the latter part of the month. While you might have to wait a few weeks, once these changes take place they are here for the rest of the year. This partly comes down to the progression of the Sun and faster planets, who after clashing with the South Node have not only moved on, but as they start returning to Gemini they will start moving into a friendly aspect.

It begins with the Sun’s return to Gemini on 21st May, something that will put it in harmony with the South Node in your romantic sector for the next month. This will be followed by Venus, the planet of love’s return on 24th March, with her first encounter with the South Node in your romantic sector in 18 years not only raising the bar on your romantic desires and expectations for your new solar year, but with ongoing support. While Venus is only here for 24 days, it is Jupiter’s return on 26th May that will lock in support for the rest of the year. Each planet returning to Gemini will also form a friendly aspect to Pluto in an adventurous part of your chart, giving Venus a chance to bring the spirit of romance and adventure together.

Helping you to prepare for this will be the Moon’s return to your romantic sector from 18th May to 21st May, with these romantically charged lunar vibes running their course just as the Sun returns to Gemini and just three days before Venus’ return. It will be a different story a few days later, when the Moon not only returns to your relationship sector from 23rd May to 26th May but clashes with the Sun to create a Full Moon. The Moon will only be here for a few days but in the early days of Venus’ mission to update your romantic and relationship desires and expectations for the coming year, everything is being laid out from the start.
   Cancer Wednesday 01 May 2024  Jun 22 - Jul 22
While there is no planetary activity on the romantic front, a Full Moon in your romantic sector at the end of April has given matters of the heart a boost, at what is nearly always going to be the least active point in any year on the romantic front. The Moon managed to move through during Mars’ final days in an adventurous part of your chart, with their friendly aspect bringing together a mix of romance, passion and adventure that you have hopefully been able to hold onto. Mars is just leaving as you move into the new month and while things are taking a busier turn and especially professionally, this gives you something to hold onto.

Your romantic sector will remain empty until the Moon comes full circle, moving through your romantic sector again from 21st May to 23rd May, making these some of the most romantically charged days of the month. It is a different story on the relationship front, where three months after returning for what is normally a three month visit to your relationship sector and to begin her first deep dive into your relationship needs and priorities in four years, instead of preparing to leave the dwarf planet Ceres is instead slowing down ahead of a retrograde turn on 15th May that will keep her here until December.

As you move into the new month the Moon has just left your relationship sector, something that allows you to begin the month emotionally engaged from the start, but also with a sense of the support available. The Moon was here when Venus, the planet of love returned to your friendship sector and just as a week after turning direct in your communication sector, the asteroid Juno is back in the game. Venus will connect directly with Juno in the early days of the month, getting the month off to a good start on the communication and relationship fronts and when it comes to friendship and relationship building. The Moon will come full circle with another chance to check in from 26th May to 28th May.
   Leo Wednesday 01 May 2024  Jul 23 - Aug 22
While you have reached an important month on the romantic and relationship fronts, in one case it all comes down to a few short days while in the other case, it is the start of a new chapter in an ongoing journey. The latter refers to Pluto, who is not only turning retrograde in your relationship sector on 3rd May but by the end of the month will have gained some real support. Pluto, the planet of change and transformation only returned in January and while this will see him eventually retrograde back out, not until September and then only for 11 weeks, before returning to spend the next 20 years here. While Pluto has been in harmony with the South Node in your communication sector since returning, they have yet to make direct contact.

It will be a different story when the planets start returning to your friendship sector this month, something that will see them one by one move into a friendly aspect to Pluto, kicking off some powerful support when it comes to friendship and relationship building. This will begin with the Sun’s return on 21st May, followed by Venus, the planet of love’s return on 24th May and Jupiter on 26th May. While the Sun is only here for a month and Venus for just 24 days, with Jupiter here until June 2025 this is the start of a major partnership between the planets of luck and change.

The Moon will make two visits to your relationship sector this month, each time with a chance to check in and become more emotionally engaged but with different conditions. The Moon will move through from 1st May to 3rd May, ensuring you are emotionally engaged during Pluto’s final days in direct motion, with his retrograde turn coming during the Moon’s final minutes here. By the time the Moon comes full circle from 28th May to 30th May, Jupiter will have been in retrograde motion for nearly four weeks and support from the Sun, Venus and Jupiter will have begun. Meanwhile, while the Moon will only be in your romantic sector for a few days, making 23rd May to 26th May the most romantically charged days of the month, as a Full Moon what it lacks in longevity it will make up for in potency.
   Virgo Wednesday 01 May 2024  Aug 23 - Sep 22
While Mars is just leaving your financial sector as you move into the new month, his influence will be felt for a long time to come. Mars was the last of a parade of planets that have moved through over the last three months and arguably the one whose presence will be felt the most. What began with Mercury, the planet of communication’s return in February and continued as the Sun and Venus, the planet of love moved through, concludes with Mars. As was the case with the Sun, Venus and Mercury as they moved through, Mars aligned with Saturn and Neptune, the planets that will stay on to keep the momentum going, Saturn with the resolve to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes and Neptune, the planet of dreams to remind you of what you are fighting for.

The difference is that when the Sun, Mercury and Venus return next year Saturn and Neptune will still be here and will be until early 2026 and they will continue to be part of the journey that will continue to evolve and unfold. However, unlike them, Mars only returns every other year and while he will return in 2026, by then Saturn and Neptune will be gone and while Saturn returns every three decades, it will be over 150 years before Neptune returns. Mars spent his final days in your relationship sector aligned with Neptune, with their last alignment here in our lifetime leaving you with something that you can continue to fight for.

However, this is when it becomes more about the journey, with the Moon’s return from 3rd May to 5th May and again on 30th May a chance to check in and become more emotionally engaged. Meanwhile, having spent the final days of April in your romantic sector, these romantically charged lunar vibes may have run their course as you move into the new month but a friendly aspect to Venus, the planet of love in an adventurous part of your chart is giving her mission to bring the spirit of romance and adventure together a boost from the start. By the time the Moon comes full circle from 26th May to 28th May, the dwarf planet Ceres will be in retrograde motion, with her retrograde turn in your romantic sector on 15th May opening the doors to the past and second chances.
   Libra Wednesday 01 May 2024  Sep 23 - Oct 23
While there has been continual planetary activity on the relationship front all year and on the romantic front since January, in both cases there are big changes ahead and this will be felt within the early days of the month. It begins just as you are moving into the month, when less than 48 hours after Venus, the planet of love left your relationship sector, Mars returns for his first visit in two years. With the Sun and Venus having moved through by the time Mars returned, a combination of the Sun’s reality checks and Venus’ focus on fuelling sense of what’s possible has left you with a chance to move into the new month with a good sense of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you.

This will give Mars something to fight for and here for the next six weeks, he will spend the whole of May and the first two weeks of June in your relationship sector. Mars won’t be on his own with Mercury, the planet of communication still here but back in direct motion after three months in retrograde motion. Mercury will keep working to keep the communication lines open until leaving on 16th May. But even then, Mars will still have support with Chiron, the planet of healing and the dwarf planet Eris, the warrior planet of the cosmos here all year.

This means that for the whole month, you will have the warrior prince and princess of the cosmos helping you fight for what you want from your relationships and what they need from you. Meanwhile, it is during Mars’ early days in your relationship sector that Pluto will turn retrograde in your romantic sector on 3rd May, something that will have significant implications later in the month. With the Moon in your romantic sector from 1st May to 3rd May, these romantically charged lunar vibes will bring you right into the loop. This is going to slow the planet of change and transformation down and keep him in position, meaning that when Venus, the planet of love returns to an adventurous part of your chart on 24th May, a friendly aspect will get her mission to bring the spirit of romance and adventure off to a good start.
   Scorpio Wednesday 01 May 2024  Oct 24 - Nov 21
Because the Sun will always spend the first three weeks of May in your relationship sector, the solar spotlight is always on your relationships at this time of year and will be until he leaves on 21st May. However, the Sun is not on his own, with Venus having returned at the end of last month while Jupiter is in the final weeks of a 12 month visit. By the time Jupiter returned to your relationship sector in May 2023, Venus had already moved through and until she leaves on 24th May this will put the planets of love and luck together here for the first time in over a decade. With Jupiter leaving on 26th May, this is going to make his final weeks some of the best and some of the most defining when it comes to setting your relationship parameters for the coming year.

However, this will not be the end of the story with Mercury, the planet of communication making his belated return on 16th May. As one by one the Sun, Venus and Jupiter leave, Mercury will not only stay on, but this will give you a chance to focus more on having the communication lines open ahead of Mars’ return next month. This is when the real fight will begin to turn what you want from your relationships and what they need from you into reality. It is before Mercury returns, before the Sun, Venus and Jupiter leave and while the planets of love and luck are together here for the first time in over a decade, that the Moon will not only move through from 7th May to 9th May but will create a New Moon on 8th May.

This will be an opportunity for new beginnings and to commit to the journey ahead. Meanwhile, while Mars has just left your romantic sector as we move into the new month, having spent six weeks firing up your romantic passions and fighting spirit and having spent his final days aligned with Neptune, the planet of dreams, this will leave you with something that you can continue to fight for. Helping to capture that will be the Moon’s return from 3rd May to 5th May, with these romantically charged lunar vibes also giving you a chance for a reset as Saturn and Neptune stay on, but in a way that is more focused on the journey. The Moon will come full circle on 30th May, ending the month in your romantic sector.
   Sagittarius Wednesday 01 May 2024  Nov 22 - Dec 21
While you have reached an important and even game changing month on both the romantic and relationship fronts, on one front it is an acceleration of what is already there while on the other front, it is the start of something completely new. The acceleration is on the romantic front, with Mars’ return to your romantic sector just as we move into the new month all of a sudden throwing fuel on the romantic flames, just as it was looking like they were dialling right back. It was less than 48 hours earlier that Venus, the planet of love not only left your romantic sector but nine days after the Sun took the solar spotlight off matters of the heart and all things romantic.

Instead, the Sun and Venus have jumped ship to the busy side of life’s fence while it is Mercury, in his early days in direct motion who has held onto the spirit of romance. With Mercury leaving on 16th May and his mission to give your heart a voice and to put heart and mind on the same page finally coming to an end, things should be naturally winding down. Instead, Mars’ return just as you move into the new month will have the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos crying ‘not so fast’ as he returns for his first visit to your romantic sector in two years. Here for the whole of May, Mars will continue to fire up your romantic passions and fighting spirit.

You will get an early taste of this when the Moon moves through from 5th May to 7th May, with these romantically charged lunar vibes adding even more fuel to the romantic flame. Mars is here for the rest of the month and that includes during the start of something brand new on the relationship front. It starts with the Sun’s return to your relationship sector on 21st May, something that will turn the solar spotlight onto your relationships while beginning the first planetary activity on the relationship front in nearly a year. This will be followed a few days later by Venus’ return on 24th May and by Jupiter’s return on 26th May. By the end of the month your most important relationship year in over a decade will be underway and with the planets of love and luck at the helm from the start.
   Capricorn Wednesday 01 May 2024  Dec 22 - Jan 19
Because the Sun will always spend the first three weeks of May in your romantic sector, the solar spotlight is always on matters of the heart at this time each year. By the time the Sun returned last year Venus, the planet of love had already moved through and while she left you with your romantic desires and expectations updated and having already set the spirit of romance alight, without having any direct impact. That includes not being here when Jupiter returned in May 2023 to begin your luckiest year for love, matters of the heart and all things fun, playful, romantic and creative in over a decade. Venus might not have been here for the start, but she is here for this final chapter, with her return at the end of April putting her in the right place at the right time.

Even though Jupiter has been here since May 2023 and returned during the Sun’s month long visit last year, it has been over a decade since the planets of love and luck were last in your romantic sector at the same time and with perfect timing. The Sun will leave on 21st May, but Venus is here until 24th May, two days before Jupiter will leave on 26th May. Venus will always work to make her time here some of the most romantically charged weeks of any year, but in the final weeks of your luckiest year for love in over a decade, this is a chance to cement something that can continue. Helping with that will be the Moon’s return from 7th May to 8th May.

The Moon returns every four weeks, but what you have during these few days are the most romantically charged days of any month and the most romantically charged weeks of any year overlapping during the final weeks of your luckiest year for love in over a decade. This will create a New Moon on 8th May, bringing an opportunity for new beginnings, to draw a new line in the sand or commit to the journey itself. The Sun will leave on 21st May, Venus on 24th May and Jupiter on 26th May, but Mercury’s return on 16th May to give your heart a voice and to put heart and mind on the same page will keep the seat warm until Mars returns next month. Meanwhile, with no planetary activity on the relationship front, the Moon’s return from 11th May to 13th May will be a chance to check in and become more emotionally engaged.
   Aquarius Wednesday 01 May 2024  Jan 20 - Feb 18
To begin with, this is an ordinary month, which means no planetary activity on the romantic or relationship fronts and just the Moon’s monthly visits to keep you emotionally engaged and connected. The first will be the Moon’s return to your romantic sector from 9th May to 11th May, something that these romantically charged lunar vibes will work to make the most romantically charged days of any month. However, as the Moon moves through this is going to enhance your heart’s over the horizon radar and this is when a sense of anticipation will be noticeably building, for it is just 10 days later that the Sun will not only return to your romantic sector on 21st May, something that at this time each year will always put the solar spotlight on matters of the heart and all things romantic, but will open the floodgates for what comes next.

It is two days later that Venus, planet of love will return to begin what she will always work to make some of the most romantically charged weeks of any year. However, it is just two days later and while Venus is still settling in that Jupiter will return to begin your luckiest year for love, matters of the heart and all things romantic in over a decade on 26th May. With the planets of love and luck meeting up in your romantic sector for the first time in 12 years, this is going to get this off to an auspicious start and with it, a chance to well and truly break the romantic drought. With Jupiter here until June 2025, the days of having no planetary activity on the romantic front will be over.

Meanwhile, with no planetary activity in your relationship sector and none until the Sun, Venus and Mercury return in July, the Moon’s monthly visit from 13th May to 16th May will be a valuable chance to check in and become more emotionally engaged. While this will be an ordinary monthly visit and the Moon will only be here for a few days, it will not only move through during Mercury, the planet of communication’s final days in your communication sector before leaving on 16th May, but for its only visit while Mars is making its first visit there in two years. This will be a chance to piggyback off Mars’ war on communication barriers.
   Pisces Wednesday 01 May 2024  Feb 19 - Mar 20
While it is mostly business as usual on the romantic and relationship fronts this month, there is change in the air. That will be apparent on the relationship front, but on the romantic front, this will be felt more as a sense of anticipation, which is likely to grow stronger the closer you get to the end of the month. While only an asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment and especially commitment to your relationships is standing her own as she moves into her first full month in direct motion in your relationship sector. As you move into the new month Juno has only been in direct motion for nine days, but in that time, she has already moved into a friendly aspect to the Sun in your communication sector and will start the month at a friendly aspect to Venus there.

The Sun will always spend the first three weeks of May in your communication sector, but there is rarely any planetary activity on the relationship front to take advantage of this. Even Juno shouldn’t be here, having returned last October for what is normally the three month visit she makes every four years. Instead, it is the retrograde phase that has just ended that will keep her here until August and in time to benefit from the exceptional communication support. In a case of perfect timing, Venus returned to begin her mission to give your heart and your relationships a voice seven days after Juno’s direct turn.

With the Sun in your communication sector until 21st May, Venus until 24th May, Jupiter until 26th May and Mercury, the planet of communication returning on 16th May to take over from where they leave off, there will be wraparound support. This is something that your relationships can take advantage of when the Moon moves through your relationship sector from 16th May to 18th May. Meanwhile, while there is no planetary activity on the romantic front with the Sun, Mercury and Venus all returning next month, when the Moon moves through from 11th May to 13th May these romantically charged lunar vibes are going to amplify a sense of anticipation that your heart’s over the horizon radar will already be picking up on.