General for Week Commencing: Monday 29 April 2024

   Aries Monday 29 April 2024  Mar 21 - Apr 19
In a week where there are two planetary shifts and another planet turning retrograde, some of the most significant shifts are on the personal front, with Venus leaving Aries on Monday and Mars returning less than 48 hours later. Venus has only been in Aries for 24 days, but nine days after the Sun left, bringing your birthday month to a close she has given your heart a say in what you want from the coming year. More importantly, this leaves you with something for Mars, the warrior planet of the cosmos to fight for as he returns to his home sign for the first time in two years. This will see Venus join the Sun and Jupiter in your income sector, just as you have moved into the final four weeks of Jupiter’s 12 month quest for income growth and expansion. This will put the planets of money and luck together in your income sector for the first time in over a decade and with perfect timing. Also perfect timing is starting the week with the Moon in your career sector, where it is getting the new working week off to a good start across the income, work and career fronts.
   Taurus Monday 29 April 2024  Apr 20 - May 20
It is said that as one door closes another opens, but at the moment you have a revolving door between the past, present and future that is keeping all doors open at the same time. Venus will leave a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart on Monday, where for the last 24 days she has been taking your heart on a nostalgic trip down memory lane. Yet as she leaves and not only returns to Taurus nine days into your birthday month but just as Jupiter has moved into his final four weeks here, Mercury will not only stay on but less than 48 hours later Mars will return to begin the wind down to your current two year Mars cycle. This is keeping the doors open to the past as the doors are also open to major new beginnings. Rather than a case of either/or you are free to brace both. While your heart and eyes are on the future, your mental focus is still on the rear view mirror while giving you a chance to hold something in reserve until Mars returns to Taurus in June.
   Gemini Monday 29 April 2024  May 21 - Jun 21
There is change in the air and while new doors are still three weeks away from opening, there will be a sense that you are preparing or lining up for something and especially as the job of closing old doors heats up. As you move into the new week you are nine days into the month long wind down of your old solar year but also in the final four weeks of the 12 month wind down of your current 12 year Jupiter cycle. This will continue on Monday when Venus joins them in a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart, where as well as beginning the wind down of your current Venus cycle, begins a nostalgic trip down memory lane that will end with her return to Gemini in 24 days. With the Sun just three weeks away, your birthday month and new solar year will be underway by then while Jupiter will return to begin a new 12 year Jupiter cycle of expansion two days later. Meanwhile, ahead of his departure from your career sector on Wednesday, Mars is on a mission to leave you with something that you can continue to fight for.
   Cancer Monday 29 April 2024  Jun 22 - Jul 22
Venus and Mars are both on the move this week and not only within 48 hours of each other, but in what will be a changing of the guard. It begins on Monday when Venus wraps up her short 24 day visit to your career sector, but not before leaving you with a shopping list of what you want from the rest of this professional year. Still in his early days in direct motion and still at a standstill here, Mercury is giving you a chance to pause and get your head back in the game before Mars returns on Wednesday. It is that shopping list that will give Mars, the warrior planet of the cosmos something to fight for from the start, as he works to power up this professional year. Meanwhile, Venus is off to join the Sun and Jupiter in your friendship sector where thanks to the Moon, the week is getting off to a good start when it comes to personal and professional networking, friendship and relationship building. In the meantime, until leaving an adventurous part of your chart on Wednesday, Mars will be firing up a passion for adventure and working to update your bucket list.
   Leo Monday 29 April 2024  Jul 23 - Aug 22
While last week’s Full Moon and its clash with the Sun in your career sector put your work/life balance to the test, this is not only something that you can benefit from this week but there is a chance to put things right. Especially when it comes to any professional pressure or dent to your professional confidence, though with a need to hold onto the message. The week not only begins with the Moon in your work sector but at a friendly aspect to the Sun in your career sector, putting them back in harmony while getting the new working week off to a positive start. With Venus returning to your career sector on Monday and Jupiter now in his final four weeks, your whole professional year is powering up. However, what makes last week’s work/life balance reminders important, is that while Venus will leave an adventurous part of your chart on Monday, less than 48 hours later Mars will return and will spend the next six weeks fuelling a passion for adventure. Until then, he will spend Monday and Tuesday firing up your financial desires, passions and fighting spirit.
   Virgo Monday 29 April 2024  Aug 23 - Sep 22
While there are some real shifts this week, in each case, it is more a change in the dynamics rather than anything new. That something new, in terms of the first planetary activity in a new area of your chart this year is still three weeks away when first the Sun, then Venus and then a few days later Jupiter will return to your career sector. Until then, it is more a case of reshuffling resources in already active areas of your chart. This is the case on the job, relationship, financial and adventurous fronts this week. It begins on Monday, where in his final days in your relationship sector Mars is working to leave Saturn and Neptune something that they can continue to fight for. This comes just as Venus leaves your financial sector and joins the Sun and Jupiter in an adventurous part of your chart, with Mars returning less than 48 hours later to take over from where she leaves off. The other big event this week is Pluto’s retrograde turn in your work sector on Friday, something that will anchor him and work and job matters into position ahead of the major career developments ahead.
   Libra Monday 29 April 2024  Sep 23 - Oct 23
Venus and Mars are both on the move this week and within hours of each other, though in both cases rather than anything ending they are setting things up for the planets that they will pass the baton to. That is the case for Venus, who until leaving your relationship sector on Monday is more focused on what you want from your relationships than the when, where and how. With Mercury, the planet of communication not only staying on but as he will be joined by Mars less than 48 hours later, this will leave your relationships in safe hands. At the same time, Mars is spending his final two days in your work sector aligned with Neptune, something that will get the week off to a busy start but at the same time will leave you with something that you can keep fighting for. This will see Mars hand the baton to Saturn and Neptune, who will keep things on track. Meanwhile, this will see Venus join the Sun and Jupiter in your financial sector, bringing the planets of money and luck together just as you have moved into the final four weeks of a 12 month quest for financial growth and expansion.
   Scorpio Monday 29 April 2024  Oct 24 - Nov 21
Thanks to the Moon’s departure from your income sector on Sunday and a friendly aspect to Venus in your work sector just before leaving, as the planet of money leaves on Monday it will be with a sense of where the money is and of where your heart is leaning on the job front. With Mercury still barely moving three days after turning direct here, this is a chance to pause, knowing that when Mars returns on Wednesday it will be to begin what could be the busiest six weeks of the year. Until then, Mars is fighting against embracing the new working week too soon as he spends his final two days in a playful and creative part of your chart aligned with dreamy Neptune. This will give you the motivation to keep fighting to maintain the right balance between work and play when he jumps ship and shifts his focus onto the other side of life’s fence. In the meantime, Venus’ return to your relationship sector comes just as Jupiter has moved into his final four weeks here. This will bring the planets of love and luck together here for the first time in over a decade.
   Sagittarius Monday 29 April 2024  Nov 22 - Dec 21
Nine days after the Sun left a playful and creative part of your chart and not only returned to your busy work sector but just as Jupiter is bringing his 12 month quest for job growth and expansion home, on Monday Venus will follow suit. Where Venus has helped to balance the scales between work and play, this will tilt them towards the busy side of life’s fence, but not for long. It is less than 48 hours later that Mars will return to take up Venus’ still warm seat in a playful and creative part of your chart and here for the next six weeks but Jupiter only in your work sector for another four weeks and the Sun and Venus gone by then, this will lock those scales into place. However, as they are not actively competing with each other, there is a chance to embrace what will see the new working week get off to a positive start across the income, work and career fronts, without letting life become all work and no play. Especially once Mars returns to fire up your romantic and creative passions.
   Capricorn Monday 29 April 2024  Dec 22 - Jan 19
A busy week in the heavens will see two planetary shifts and a week on from Mercury’s direct turn will see Pluto turn retrograde on Friday. For those seven days between Mercury’s direct turn and Pluto’s retrograde turn, there will be no planets in direct motion or with the brakes on, though both will be barely moving. It was Mercury’s three week retrograde phase that will keep the planet of communication and smart thinking in your home and family sector as Venus leaves on Monday and Mars returns less than 48 hours later with the drive to make things happen and get things done. This will see Venus join the Sun and Jupiter in a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart, something that will bring the planets of love and luck together here for the first time in over a decade. In the meantime, it is Pluto’s retrograde turn in your income sector that will shift the focus onto untapped income potential, ahead of major developments on the job front.
   Aquarius Monday 29 April 2024  Jan 20 - Feb 18
Three days after Mercury, the planet of communication turned direct in your communication sector and less than 48 hours before Mars is due to return to begin his first war on communication barriers in two years, as Venus leaves on Monday this will leave the communication lines in safe hands. While Mercury and Mars will be focused on communication across the board, as the planet of love Venus has spent the last 24 days focused on giving your heart and your relationships a voice. something that you can continue to benefit from. It is then that Venus will return to your home and family sector, with her return a chance to make home where your heart is just as the Sun already has the solar spotlight on home and family matters and Jupiter has moved into his final four weeks here. This is the start of some special weeks for home and family matters. Meanwhile, until returning to your communication sector on Wednesday, Mars is spending his final two days in your income sector aligned with dreamy Neptune, where he is working to leave you with something you can continue to fight for.
   Pisces Monday 29 April 2024  Feb 19 - Mar 20
Venus and Mars are on the move this week, with one taking over from where the other leaves off. Taking over will be Mars’ return to your income sector less than 48 hours after Venus leaves on Monday, something that will allow the planet of money to focus more on the ‘what’ than the when, where and how. Knowing that just after she leaves and with Mercury and his smart head for money staying on Mars will return to declare war on glass ceilings, roadblocks and barriers, whether real or imagined as he brings the drive to fight for what you deserve, Venus will focus more on leaving you with a sense of where the money is and of what’s possible. While Mars won’t return to your communication sector until June to begin his first war on communication barriers in two years, as Venus joins the Sun and Jupiter there, she will do the same here as she has done on the income front. Meanwhile, until returning to your income sector Mars will spend his final days in Pisces aligned with dreamy Neptune, where on the personal front he is leaving you with something to keep fighting for.