Business Horoscopes for Week Commencing: Monday 29 April 2024

   Aries Monday 29 April 2024  Mar 21 - Apr 19
Beginning the week with the Moon in your career sector will always be an advantage, with a chance to move into the new working week with your professional instincts and imagination fuelled while feeling emotionally and intuitively engaged from the start. However, while this is an ordinary monthly visit, it is the timing that makes this significant and not just because it is here in time to get the week off to a good start. What makes the timing auspicious is not just the Moon’s friendly aspect to the asteroid Juno on Monday, seven days after the queen of commitment turned direct in your work sector or to the Sun in your income sector, just days after clashing as a Full Moon. It is that the Moon is drawing things together across the income, work and career fronts just as Venus not only returns to your income sector on Monday but just as Jupiter has moved into his final four weeks here. By the weekend Venus will be at a friendly aspect to Juno in your work sector, creating an even tighter bond on the income and job fronts.
   Taurus Monday 29 April 2024  Apr 20 - May 20
The Moon’s return to your career sector couldn’t come with better timing and not just because by returning on Wednesday will fuel your professional instincts and imagination and ensure you are emotionally and intuitively engaged in the heart of the working week. A friendly aspect to the South Node in your work sector as it moves through will kick off a positive few days on both fronts. While that is still the case, the real advantage comes from the fact that this will put the Moon in your career sector just as Pluto has come to a standstill and will ensure you are emotionally and intuitively engaged during the planet of change and transformation’s final days in your career sector and as he turns retrograde. The Moon will leave just over an hour after Pluto’s retrograde turn on Friday, giving you a chance to get the most out of his final days in direct motion and while he is still helping you to look to the future through eyes that challenge the status quo, but also aware that the tide is turning and the focus shifting to the rear view mirror.
   Gemini Monday 29 April 2024  May 21 - Jun 21
Thanks to last week’s Full Moon in your work sector and the Moon’s friendly aspect to all three planets in your career sector as it moved through, you have a better read on both job and career matters as you reach a critical point in this professional year. The last thing the Moon did before leaving was form a friendly aspect to Mars and Neptune, who by that point were just days away from aligning. As you move into the new working week that alignment between the warrior planet of the cosmos and the planet of dreams has just peaked and with Mars leaving on Wednesday, this is firing up your professional desires, passions, fighting and competitive spirit. Mars is the last of a line of faster planets, starting with Mercury’s return in February that have passed through, all connecting with Saturn and Neptune as they moved through. As the last, Mars’ job is to leave you with something that you can continue to fight for. The Moon’s return on Friday will be a chance to check in and regroup, as Saturn and Neptune settle in for the long haul.
   Cancer Monday 29 April 2024  Jun 22 - Jul 22
There is a changing of the guard on the professional front this week, but also a short interval between the two that will give you a chance to catch your breath before launching into the next chapter. It is on Monday that nine days after the Sun left your career sector, taking the solar spotlight off your career situation and matters that Venus will leave. For the majority of her time here Mercury has been in retrograde motion but having just turned direct three days earlier, both heart and mind are now looking to the future. Venus will leave you with a sense of what you want professionally while the Moon’s departure from your work sector on Sunday allows you to move into the new working week with an intuitive read on work and job matters as well. With Mercury still barely moving, this will also offer a chance to pause, knowing that within 48 hours Mars will return to begin his first chance in two years to fire up your professional passions, fighting and competitive spirit.
   Leo Monday 29 April 2024  Jul 23 - Aug 22
Having the Moon in your work sector as you move into the new working week will always be an advantage, ensuring your instincts are sharp, you are emotionally and intuitively engaged and you have an intuitive read on work and job matters from the start. However, the advantages extend beyond that and even the way it is able to bring things together from across the income, work and career fronts is not the best thing about having the Moon here on Monday and Tuesday. On the one hand, it is the Moon’s friendly aspect to the Sun in your career sector on Monday that is putting them back in harmony just days after clashing as a Full Moon, restoring your professional confidence while giving you an intuitive and objective look at job and career matters. On the other hand, this will ensure you are emotionally engaged as Venus not only returns to your career sector on Monday but just as Jupiter has moved into the final four weeks of his 12 month quest for professional growth and expansion.
   Virgo Monday 29 April 2024  Aug 23 - Sep 22
While the Moon will return for what is an ordinary monthly visit to your work sector this week, it is the timing that is significant. Partly because returning on Wednesday will ensure your instincts are sharp, you are emotionally and intuitively engaged and have a read on work and job matters in the heart of the working week. However, mainly because this will put the Moon here during Pluto’s final days in direct motion and as he turns retrograde. Ever since the planet of change and transformation burst onto the scene with the Sun in January, it has been all about work and job matters and as a host of planets moved through, including Mars making his first visit in two years, this got the year off to a busy start. However, Pluto is slowing down and on Friday will turn retrograde and as the only planet on the job front, this will put things into review mode. However, this is a case of Pluto standing aside to make room for major new developments on the career front while anchoring him into a position where as each planet returns to your career sector they will move straight into a friendly aspect.
   Libra Monday 29 April 2024  Sep 23 - Oct 23
The week not only begins with Mars and Neptune aligned in your work sector, something that will get the new working week off to an empowered start but just as you have reached the final days of a push to get work and job matters into orbit and up to speed. You began the year with Saturn and Neptune in your work sector and until leaving in early 2026 they will work as a team to give you the resolve, discipline and determination to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes in order to turn dreams into reality. However, they are playing a long game and it isn’t until the Sun and the faster planets return each year that the pace will pick up and the focus will be on what you can accomplish now. That phase began with Mercury’s return in February and will end with Mars’ departure on Wednesday. As the last planet to move through, it is the warrior planet of the cosmos that is the last to align with the planet of dreams, something that will leave you with something to keep fighting for. It is the Moon’s return on Friday that will bring a chance to check in and get a feel for a change in gear.
   Scorpio Monday 29 April 2024  Oct 24 - Nov 21
There is a changing of the guard on the job front this week and with a couple of gear changes that could see things temporarily dial back before coming back stronger than ever less than 48 hours later. It is Venus’ departure from your work sector on Monday that could see things temporarily dial back, less because she is gone and more because this will put more focus on Mercury, who having turned direct here just three days earlier is still at a standstill. Venus has left you with a shopping list of what you want and this will give Mars, the warrior planet of the cosmos something to fight for when he returns less than 48 hours after she leaves. However, it is in that interval from Venus’ departure to Mars’ return that gives you a chance to pause and a moment to hear yourself think. That will be especially so on Tuesday, making this a day for getting your head in the game and a sense of control, knowing that by Wednesday Mars, the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos will be here and the busiest six weeks of the year will be underway.
   Sagittarius Monday 29 April 2024  Nov 22 - Dec 21
It is just as you move into the new working week that you will also reach a significant turning point in this professional year, with work and job matters locked, loaded and ready to go. On Monday, nine days after the Sun returned to your work sector and the solar spotlight shifted onto your work situation and job matters and a day after Jupiter moved into his final four weeks here and of a 12 month quest for job growth and expansion, Venus will return. This will bring the laws of attraction into effect as well as engaging your heart, but it is the timing that makes this significant. As the planet of money, desire and attraction, Venus is returning to fuel your job confidence, attract opportunities and steer things in a lucrative direction, but with the Moon in your income sector and at a friendly aspect to the Sun, this gets things off to a positive start. The Moon also begins the week with a friendly aspect to the asteroid Juno in your career sector, with Venus at the same aspect to the queen of commitment by the weekend.
   Capricorn Monday 29 April 2024  Dec 22 - Jan 19
By the time you move into the new working week, the Sun is just three weeks away from his return to your work sector, with Venus returning a few days later and Jupiter to begin your biggest year for job growth and expansion in over a decade just a few days after that. It is once you move into May that this is something that will be racing towards you, making the timing of the Moon’s return to your income sector on Wednesday significant. Partly because this will sharpen your nose for money and act as a trigger in the heart of the working week and in the lead up to Pluto’s retrograde turn here on Friday and partly because of the friendly aspect to the South Node in your career sector as it moves through. With Pluto and the South Node set to play a major supporting role during Jupiter’s 13 month visit to your work sector and as by the end of May a major partnership will have formed across the income, work and career fronts, this is something that will be on your radar. At the same time, the closer you get the more you need to prepare for the busier times ahead.
   Aquarius Monday 29 April 2024  Jan 20 - Feb 18
While last week’s Full Moon in your career sector is behind you and as by the time you move into the new working week it has been three days since the Moon left, this is something that is set to have ongoing implications and that includes both professionally and financially. With no planetary activity in either of your two professional houses until the Sun and the faster planets start returning to your work sector in June, the Moon’s monthly visits are key to staying on track. However, as a Full Moon, the Moon’s visit to your career sector last week has the power to jumpstart things in a way that you are yet to fully appreciate. It can take the four weeks until the Moon comes full circle for what has been triggered on a Full Moon to fully play out. In the meantime, the last thing the Moon did before leaving was form a friendly aspect to Mars and Neptune in your income sector and as they begin the week aligned, this has given them a professional framework as they work to gain as much income traction and momentum as possible.
   Pisces Monday 29 April 2024  Feb 19 - Mar 20
While the Moon is no longer in your career sector, as it only left on Sunday, this allows you to move into the new working week with your professional instincts and imagination fuelled while feeling emotionally and intuitively engaged from the start. While this was an ordinary monthly visit, two things set this apart in a way that could have long term implications. The first and more immediate implication is that the Moon returned just as Mercury turned direct in your income sector, taking the brakes off income potential and the last thing it did before leaving was form a friendly aspect to Venus, the planet of money there. With Venus leaving your income sector on Monday but Mars returning less than 48 hours later, this has given growing income potential a professional framework and a chance for the two to piggyback off each other. The more long term and less obvious aspect is that this has planted seeds that the Moon will harvest when it returns in four weeks as a Full Moon.