Aries |
Monday 13 January 2025 |
Mar 21 - Apr 19 |
Where last week saw the exit of two of the main influences on the romantic and relationship fronts over recent months, the Moon is yet to make its first visit to your romantic or relationship sectors for the year. That will happen this week and in both cases, where this has left you with no planetary activity on either front, check in and review the journey this has taken you on. It was last Monday that Mars left your romantic sector and while he will return in April, until then it is the Moon’s monthly visits that will keep the spirit of romance alive. This makes it important that in the heart of the working week or not, when the Moon moves through your romantic sector from Tuesday to Thursday you pay attention to these romantically charged lunar vibes. It is over the weekend that seven days after the South Node left your relationship sector on Sunday there will be a chance to check in. After 18 months of policing a balance between your own and your relationship needs the pressure is gone but with a better sense of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you. |
Taurus |
Monday 13 January 2025 |
Apr 20 - May 20 |
Even before the Moon returns for its first visit to your romantic sector for the year on Friday, there has been an exciting twist on the romantic front. It is rare to have any cosmic activity in your romantic sector and with Venus, the planet of love still several months away from her annual return to Taurus, this can be one of the least romantically charged parts of any year. Instead, it was over the weekend that the South Node returned to your romantic sector and where for the next 18 months it will work to make the spirit of romance a priority. This also sets the scene for a total lunar eclipse here in March, something that from day one fate will be starting to steer you towards. You will get a better feel for this when the Moon makes its first visit to your romantic sector for the year from Friday to Sunday, setting the scene for a romantically charged weekend. Meanwhile, the week not only gets off to a good start on the communication and relationship fronts but with the potential for a breakthrough. |
Gemini |
Monday 13 January 2025 |
May 21 - Jun 21 |
While the South Node left your romantic sector on Sunday and apart from the Moon’s monthly visits it will remain empty until Mars returns in August, after 18 months this has left the spirit of romance in safe hands. Not only has this left your heart with an inbuilt GPS that you can continue to rely on, but having spent much of the last 12 months closely aligned with Pluto in an adventurous part of your chart and as he is here for the next 20 years, this will continue to keep the spirit of romance and adventure alive. When the Moon returns for its first visit to your romantic sector for the year on Sunday, a friendly aspect to Pluto will give this an additional boost. Meanwhile, the Moon’s first visit to your communication sector for the year will bring a valuable chance from Tuesday to Thursday to ensure the communication lines are open. After Mars left your communication sector last Monday and Mercury, the planet of communication your relationship sector two days later, this couldn’t be more important. |
Cancer |
Monday 13 January 2025 |
Jun 22 - Jul 22 |
As the Sun moves into his final seven days in your relationship sector mixed conditions create a need to take things one day or even hour at a time. The week not only begins with the Moon in Cancer but ahead of a Full Moon on Tuesday that will see it clash with the Sun in a way that could put a balance between your own and your relationship needs to the test. This is the first Full Moon in Cancer since December 2023 and with Mars not only here but moving towards his own clash with the Sun later in the week, this is something that could continue long after the Full Moon has run its course. However, with Mercury, the planet of communication not only in his first full week in your relationship sector but the week starting with the South Node in its first full day in your communication sector in 17 years, it is with built in support from the communication gods from the start. With support for both you and your relationships set to increase as the week progresses, this turns this into an opportunity for a breakthrough. |
Leo |
Monday 13 January 2025 |
Jul 23 - Aug 22 |
As you move into the new week it has been 10 days since Venus, the planet of love left your relationship sector and with the Sun still seven days away, the planets still here are using this time to continue to cement your relationship wants, needs and priorities before the solar spotlight shifts on to your relationships. It was last week that the South Node spent its final days in your communication sector before leaving on Sunday at a friendly aspect to Pluto in your relationship sector, leaving you with everything needed to keep the communication lines open. In a case of perfect timing, the Moon’s return to your communication sector on Sunday will be a chance to get the communication lines open ahead of the Sun’s return to your relationship sector a day later. Meanwhile, with the Moon not returning for its first visit to your romantic sector for the year until next week, after Mercury left last week, this has left it up to you to keep the spirit of romance alive. |
Virgo |
Monday 13 January 2025 |
Aug 23 - Sep 22 |
At the same time that on Monday the Sun moves into his final seven days in your romantic sector, the North Node is spending its first full day in your relationship sector and its partner the South Node is spending its first in Virgo. This is the start of the lunar nodes 18 month policing of a balance between your own and your relationship needs and just as there are already some powerful forces building on the relationship front. With no planetary activity in Virgo, the South Node is here to ensure that it is not just about your relationships, with its mission to retain the right balance guiding you through some powerful months on the relationship fronts. This also marks the start of a shift, because for the first time since 2007, when the Sun leaves your romantic sector next Monday and Mercury a week later, this will end all planetary activity on the romantic front until later in the year. As one chapter ends, another begins. |
Libra |
Monday 13 January 2025 |
Sep 23 - Oct 23 |
As you move into the new week it has been 10 days since Venus, the planet of love left your romantic sector and with the Sun not returning until next Monday, there is a chance to let her influence settle and for your heart’s wants, needs and priorities to cement before the next stage begins. With Pluto still in the early months of a 20 year visit and the dwarf planet Ceres continuing her deep dive into your heart’s needs and priorities until leaving later next month, they are keeping the spirit of romance on a slow boil. Meanwhile, after the North Node left your relationship sector and the South Node left Libra over the weekend, the lunar nodes have ended their 18 month policing of a balance between your own and your relationship needs. While the pressure is gone, this has left you with a better sense of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you ahead of some major developments on the relationship front over the coming months. |
Scorpio |
Monday 13 January 2025 |
Oct 24 - Nov 21 |
Ten days after Venus, the planet of love returned for what is both an early and extended visit to your romantic sector and the first of two she will make in the first four months of the year, the week begins with the North Node in its first full day here in 17 years. For the next 18 months and through some of the most significant months on the romantic front, the North Node has returned to give your heart a sense of direction and to become its inbuilt GPS. Helping to not only get this off to an auspicious start in what is a taste of things to come, the week not only begins with the Moon in an adventurous part of your chart but ahead of Tuesday’s Full Moon. A week after Mars returned to once again fire up a passion for adventure, this is the start of a coming together of a mix of nostalgia, romance, passion and adventure that will deepen over the coming weeks and months. Meanwhile, thanks to the Sun the week also gets off to a good start on the communication and relationship fronts. |
Sagittarius |
Monday 13 January 2025 |
Nov 22 - Dec 21 |
Last week not only saw the Moon make its first visit to your romantic and relationship sectors for the year but with some significant shifts on both fronts. The most significant has been on the romantic front, with the North Node’s departure from your romantic sector on Sunday ending its 18 month mission to give your heart a sense of direction, to keep the spirit of romance alive and even when both planets spent the last half of 2024 in retrograde motion, to never lose sight of the road ahead. In a case of perfect timing, the dwarf planet Eris’ direct turn here on Saturday has shifted the focus off the past. The Moon’s return last week was a chance to connect with the North Node and your heart’s internal compass. Meanwhile, while Jupiter is still in retrograde motion in your relationship sector and will continue to have the support of the planets in your communication sector, the Moon’s departure on Sunday was a chance to capture the support that the South Node has been giving your relationships before it too left. |
Capricorn |
Monday 13 January 2025 |
Dec 22 - Jan 19 |
The week not only begins with the Moon already in your relationship sector but in the lead up to Tuesday’s Full Moon is starting to put some pressure on a balance between your own and your relationship needs to the test. This is a Full Moon that will always fall at some point during your birthday month but is the last since December 2023 and the first while Mars, the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos is in your relationship sector in 18 years. With Mars already heading towards a clash with the Sun later in the week, this is adding to the intensity. However, with the North Node having returned to your communication sector over the weekend, Mars starting the week with a friendly aspect to Neptune there and Mercury, the planet of communication in his first full week in Capricorn, on both sides there is built in support from the communication gods from the start. The week also begins with the Sun at a friendly aspect to Uranus in your romantic sector, giving the spirit of romance a boost. |
Aquarius |
Monday 13 January 2025 |
Jan 20 - Feb 18 |
It was on Sunday that the Moon wrapped up its first visit to your romantic sector for the year, something that gave you a chance to check in with the spirit of romance while taking advantage of the South Node’s final hours in an adventurous part of your chart before also leaving on Sunday. With Jupiter in retrograde motion in your romantic sector until early next month, this brought together a mix of romance, adventure and nostalgia that is likely to linger. After Mars left your relationship sector last week, this was a chance to take a break from what might have been a bumpy start to the year and focus on the spirit of romance instead. Meanwhile, it is from Tuesday to Thursday that the Moon’s first visit to your relationship sector for the year will bring a chance to check in, this time without the warrior planet of the cosmos stirring things up. This will be a chance to reflect on what you want from your relationships and what they need from you. |
Pisces |
Monday 13 January 2025 |
Feb 19 - Mar 20 |
All of a sudden, as you move into the new week things have come alive on both the romantic and relationship fronts. Ten days after Venus, the planet of love returned to begin both an early and extended visit to Pisces and the first of two that she will make in the first four months of the year, the Moon is not only in your romantic sector but the lead up has begun to the first Full Moon here since December 2023. For the first time in 18 years, this is also the first time that Mars, the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos has been here at the time and having just returned last week, this is giving the spirit of romance a serious boost that will continue well beyond Tuesday’s Full Moon. Meanwhile, Monday is also the South Node’s first full day in your relationship sector and the North Node’s first in Pisces, bringing you to the start of the lunar nodes' new 18 month policing of a balance between your own and your relationship needs. |